dinyctis on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dinyctis/art/Grammar-Natzee-24904825dinyctis

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Grammar Natzee



The goofing off continues.

I've wanted to do this for a long time. The only thing that stopped me was the idea of offending people.

But then, it just hit me. People do serious political artwork against the US, and I'll take flak about goofing off with this? Hell no.

So, this is for all of us grammar natzees out there.

:bulletred: Those of us who want to point out every grammatical mistake when we see one.
:bulletred: Those of us who want to slap the crap out of whoever makes a grammatical HORROR (not error).
:bulletred: Those of us who loathe enormous paragraphs with no formatting whatsoever. Just one huge line of text, without commas!
:bulletred: Those of us with dictionary.com in our bookmarks.
:bulletred: Those of us who are cool enough to laugh it up when we make a mistake ourselves.

The grammatical mistakes at the bottom are intentional to go with the 5th point.

Oh yea, 15 mins in Photoshop. Definitely not my best poster, but It'll do. It'll do.

EDIT: Turns out that I actually misspelled a word in the poster by accident! Not so much of a natzee!
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700x933px 321.43 KB
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